Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 9, 2016


Apart from cleverly oversee the exciting and persecute karambolszcénákat dull patchwork Conflicts (Collide), Ben Kingsley, which might be worth something.

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The collision Creative Assembly have looked something like this: "Boys, we got a lot of beautiful luxury car to smithereens what should a few days: Cologne, and two actors legend. Write story they had something around, I beg you! "And it came to pass. The collision scene to chase one another on the back of a huge landing cars, which sometimes dramatic, character, dialogue interrupted by moments. And it is Anthony Hopkins and Ben Kingsley.

Unfortunately the former seems thoroughly lost our way in this film: it invented, and the audience raised megszerettetett, terribly evil psychopath túlművelt also converts umpteenth time, although it might be a different kind of fim antagonist would have required. This time, Hopkins is too theatrical, too neoclassic kifityeg the szüzséből as an actor (even in the role of ethnic Germans was brought up in England to be somewhat explained by armored British accent), but it was not Ben Kingsley. The old Gandhi's genius even in this role by also bekokainozott brain Hadar, Turkish gengszterfigurájáért almost worth it to pay otherwise be spent on better mozijiegyet purposes. There are no small roles, only small actors.

Speaking of small actor: the film's protagonist, Casey (Nicholas Hoult) despite facing multiple times next to the camera with beautiful azure eyes, up close in all, from a sudden we no more know that because it is different from this character because of the many hundreds like him, love suddenly right track repeat, petty, but romantically bűnözőtől heart of gold. Because certainly a very well-read, really frantic detour original motivation of love "just one more crime because of the money, but then I finished, it's over, I swear" trope recycling act. You can also tap a truck carrying drugs from one buddy, you tip the quasi-főnöküktől, Gerantól (Kingsley) receive. However Geran motivations are obvious: hübriszből reduced but a very big boss Hagen Kahl (Hopkins) fortune, if we did not want to share it with him when he asked nicely. Kahllal cicázni not, however, steals the protagonist's girlfriend, Juliette (Felicity Jones), while taking a few hostages first name too obvious Shakespearean comment. But why all this takes place in Cologne? To do this, we probably should have been to such a creative meeting there, because around the dome composed a couple of cuts with drónos alone does not justify it.

One thing interesting, however, because of the film itself outside of the context: the title and some of the film's subtitles - at least for the Romanian distribution Kopi - not the original language, but also appeared in Romanian. And here begins felsejleni a few positive aspects of digital filmmaking: pixels gobble just the same, but there are only a few clicks away to localize more and more - geographically, culturally, no matter how - the content. But here it is a step in the market is dependent on Censorship: We changed because of China's film as well. If you do not get the plot is essentially the manner and amount of touch, but just a different movie from country to country, there will have been only sanctioned version of a film. This would be particularly wrong, but if something happens to the naked seeded profit maximization - and that the vast majority of the decisions of such Hollywood - in the long term is rarely used to be beneficial to the storytelling (of course, had been a short-term counter-examples).

Apart from cleverly oversee the exciting and persecute karambolszcénákat dull patchwork of impact, which is very important not only to a dozen, while it is a part missing in the accounts.

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