Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 9, 2016

Steven Spielberg: The BFG / a friendly giant

The friendly giant with a huge mix: the atmosphere is sometimes reminiscent of the Harry Potter film world, the city streets and the giant cave of the great Doboztrollok bunker is comparable, the little girl could Matilda twin, the film's main idea is like the Beast Co.'s, inside: here one night visitors "monster" gives something to the sleeping children, do not collect them into something. It is a pity that at the end of the movie in 3D glasses busy handling a child is very vaguely says "Meh was good," the parents did not want to think that the price of a movie ticket would be able to take some ice cream too.

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Steven Spielberg in 2011, was first experimented with in the world of animated film, the result is the Uncanny Valley phenomenon has been adduced as examples of fat Tintin's adventures (The Adventures of Tintin). The friendly giant provided it is clear that the healing sleeved aliens, the Indiana Jones stories and the revival of dinosaurs master regeteget learned in the past five years, CGI aesthetics (computer-generated fantasy figurines in less disruptive than, say, Tintinben), but not haragudnánk slowly if you forget this cinematic tale line.

An animated film will really valuable if you can use it to scratch builds: this is the only film genre in which the creative freedom and imagination nothing to discourage, the film can own up to the elementary physical experience of all the laws of disregard world. If the world has its own laws and logic of dynamic operation, no more, which would prevent sniff itself, we accept the unusual - perhaps even repulsive-looking - figures and locations as well. We excused the story clumsiness, the dialogs primness, even the sketchy character drawings, if the existing features are subject to those laws in specific. The friendly giants it is this freewheeling and physics of our existence limitations devastating fantasy is missing - the world of the giants spat like the humans except that each is a bit oversized in it - so there is no excuse for the absence of a boring story, the excitement and tension, in addition to the title character of a plane, rough figures.

The protagonist lives Sophie (Ruby Barnhill) orphanage, suffering from insomnia, you might say, although it really is not too concerned about that morning around rather putter in the house like that little fellow with the righteous dream asleep. Due to a random sees a giant (Mark Rylance), who sneaks into the city - which in turn is afraid that the girl lebuktathatja, so felnyalábolja and runs off with her giant country. Soon it turns out that the whole country of just nine inhabitants beyond his control: all the dumb, violent and cannibalistic, moreover, are much larger and more primitive than the gyümölcstrutyin live, friendly creatures (? Carnivore vs. veggie - something teacher tale wants may be) who where Sutty seven-league stride teenager racing, where a tottering old man toddled up the mountain or cave. Of course, the very sharp hearing imaginary friend very little giant sympathetic ear paddle moves like a humanoid Pets clumsy (both) of society and constantly tripping over his tongue, making speech unintelligible approaching something cute. Others patiently bear mockery and humiliation, it also has a great remorse also a secret passion, and I immediately know that by the end of the movie somehow to convince the oppressed good over evil snoring under the grass carpet.

A lot of unanswered questions and logical snag, and somehow hiding among this young audience is mandatory pressed abdominal beauty with some humor in the film. This is pretty much all that is related to dreams. Who has not played in childhood with the idea that the reflected image of the world's water may be another sacrosanct imprint on the world, and that would be derived from smiling or terrible dreams? (The supplier of the film really could bring even more beautiful every night, so why nyomorít sometimes you nightmares? - No, yes, some issues related to dreams hanging in the air ...)

Fortunately, the film does not want every bit to take himself seriously in the world of adults drawn childlike imagination (almost insultingly simplistic) little humor for adults is mixed (see. When Elizabeth cut through the mix by phone Boris and Nancy), but the funny scenes somewhat corrected by the story of the live actors and CGI-nations clash in a final punch ken down.

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